Aescripts Mask Prompter V2.0.0 (Win)

Aescripts Mask Prompter V2.0.0 for Windows revolutionizes matte creation in After Effects. Using intuitive point and box methods

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Aescripts Mask Prompter V2.0.0 (Win) is an innovative tool designed to streamline the matte creation process in Adobe After Effects. This plugin offers a more efficient and accurate method for generating mattes, crucial for compositing and visual effects work.

Key Features of Aescripts Mask Prompter V2.0.0:

  • Intuitive Matte Creation: Mask Prompter simplifies the process of creating mattes using points and boxes. This method allows you to generate precise black and white and alpha channel mattes that represent objects within your footage, improving both accuracy and efficiency.

  • Compatibility: The plugin is compatible with Adobe After Effects 2022 and higher versions. Users can test the plugin with a trial version to ensure compatibility with their setup before making a purchase.

  • Simple Workflow: The matting process is straightforward with Mask Prompter. By specifying rectangles and points on your footage, Mask Prompter creates a matte based on your input. This approach provides enhanced precision for subject selection and tracking.

  • Interactive Prompts: The tool features custom extensions for interactive AI prompts. While performance depends on your hardware, these prompts aid in achieving accurate and reliable matte results.

  • Versatile Output Options: Mask Prompter offers multiple output formats, including overlays, black-and-white mattes, and transparent alpha channels. This flexibility integrates seamlessly into various workflows and effects setups.

  • Installation Instructions:

    1. Install the plugin using the MaskPrompter-v1.10.1.exe file. Select the GPU version if desired; otherwise, the CPU version will be installed by default. Note that the GPU version requires an Nvidia discrete graphics card and may not be as stable as the CPU version.
    2. During installation, the module will be downloaded online. Please allow some time for the download to complete.
    3. Copy the MaskPrompter.blaceplugin file to the following directory: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Common\Plug-ins\7.0\MediaCore\MaskPrompter
    4. Access the plugin via Effect -> Blace plugins -> Mask Prompter.
  • New Changes in V2.0.0: The latest update includes a move to a more stable server for the installer payload, though no functional changes have been made.

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