Cinecom – Premiere Pro Lumetri 2020: Color Correct & Color Grade like a Pro – Jordy Vandeput

Unleash Premiere Pro's color power with Cinecom's Lumetri 2020 class. Learn practical color correction, grading, and achieve professional results!

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Cinecom – Premiere Pro Lumetri 2020: Your Path to Color Correction & Grading Expertise


Ready to transform your Premiere Pro projects with stunning color? Cinecom's comprehensive course, led by Jordy Vandeput, is your key to mastering Lumetri 2020's powerful tools.


Why Choose Cinecom?


Action-Oriented Learning: No dry theory here – dive into practical examples from the get-go!

Real-World Skills: Fix flawed footage, match colors across clips, and create breathtaking looks.

Demystifying Color: Understand Lumetri's controls, scopes, and the path to a cinematic aesthetic.

What You'll Master:


Lumetri Deep Dive: Become a pro at every tool Lumetri offers.

Scopes Decoded: Learn to harness scopes for flawless color correction.

Advanced Fixes: Tackle even the most challenging footage issues.

Cinematic Looks: Discover the secrets behind visually stunning color grades.

Optimized Workflow: Develop a streamlined process for efficient color work.

Whether you're a beginner or seeking to advance your Premiere Pro skills, Cinecom's Lumetri 2020 course is your essential guide to professional-quality color.


Let's get started!

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