Gumroad – Garment Tool v2.1.0

Discover Gumroad’s Garment Tool v2.1.0, an advanced Blender add-on for creating simulation-ready cloth meshes with ease. Explore new features

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Gumroad’s Garment Tool v2.1.0 is an essential add-on for Blender users who are looking to streamline the creation of simulation-ready cloth meshes. Whether you’re a professional 3D artist or a hobbyist, this tool simplifies the process of crafting intricate garments and cloth simulations within Blender.

Key Features:

  1. Seamless Cloth Mesh Creation: The Garment Tool allows you to create complex cloth meshes from 2D Bezier curves. These curves are sewn together and then triangulated into a mesh object, providing a smooth workflow for garment design.

  2. Enhanced Triangulation: One of the challenges with cloth simulation is accurate triangulation. The Garment Tool addresses this by offering increased resolution for triangulation, which helps in achieving more precise results.

  3. 3D Viewport Sewing Patterns: The tool enables you to identify and work with sewing patterns directly within Blender’s 3D viewport. This feature simplifies the process of adjusting and visualizing patterns in a more interactive environment.

  4. Adjustable Mesh Resolution: Create evenly triangular meshes that can be easily adjusted in resolution. This flexibility allows for fine-tuning of the garment’s detail according to your project’s needs.

  5. Interactive Cloth Simulation: The Garment Tool integrates seamlessly with Blender’s cloth simulation system, allowing you to interactively test and adjust your designs.

  6. Advanced Pattern Assistance: Features include tools for cutting holes in sewing patterns, symmetrizing curves, and duplicating 2D pattern curves. These assistive tools make it easier to create accurate and complex designs.

  7. Garments Library: Save and load your sewing patterns using the Garments Library. A selection of example patterns is provided in the file to help you get started.

  8. Custom Stitching and Pocket Tools: The Pin tool allows for customized stitching, while the Pocket tool facilitates the generation of sewing patterns from source patterns and their attachment to target patterns.

  9. Bind Tool: Project 3D meshes onto cloth surfaces with the Bind Tool. This feature is ideal for creating attachments such as bags and pockets.

  10. Shape-Key Saving: Save your baked simulations into shape-keys, enabling you to preserve and reuse complex simulation states.

What’s New in v2.1.0:

  • Bug Fixes: Several issues in Blender 3.0 have been resolved, enhancing overall tool performance and reliability.
  • Improved Features: Additional enhancements and updates have been made to improve functionality and user experience.

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