JOEL FAMULARO – Phantom LUTs for iPhone 15

Transform your iPhone 15 footage with JOEL FAMULARO’s Phantom LUTs. This premium LUT pack includes Arri Alexa 709 emulations, creative variations

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JOEL FAMULARO’s Phantom LUTs for iPhone 15 offer an exceptional toolkit for enhancing your mobile video projects with sophisticated color grading options. Designed for users who want to go beyond the standard Apple Technical LUTs, this pack includes a range of LUTs that emulate Arri Alexa 709 color science and classic film stocks, providing a professional touch to your footage.

Key Features of Phantom LUTs:

  • Arri Look 5 Pack: Includes five distinct LUTs that accurately emulate the renowned Arri Alexa 709 color science:

    • Neutral: A precise recreation of the Alexa Classic 709 LUT, delivering legacy Arri Alexa color science.
    • Tungsten: Adds a warm, golden cast for scenes illuminated by tungsten light.
    • Ice Blue: Features a cooler, punchy blue cast, ideal for enhancing blue-toned subjects.
    • Jamaica: Provides a rich green and gold cast, offering vibrant filmic greens and beautiful golden skin tones.
    • Utopia: Offers a highly stylized filmic look with deep reds, blues, and greens, creating a unique and vivid aesthetic.
  • Film Look 6 Pack: Emulates classic film stocks with six different LUTs:

    • Vision: Modeled after Kodak Vision 5274, known for its accurate blues, cool greens, and rich filmic contrast. Suitable for a wide range of genres.
    • Eastman: Inspired by Kodak Eastman 5247, this LUT delivers a vintage look with strong mid-saturation and slightly turquoise blues.
    • Eastman RM: A modernized version of Kodak Eastman 5247, featuring an orange and teal color scheme.
    • Vision Teal: A variation of Kodak Vision 5274 with a subtle orange/teal color scheme, enhancing scenes with a balanced and vibrant look.
    • Eterna: Modeled on Fuji Eterna 8563, offering smooth contrast and flattering skin tones, ideal for fashion and beauty content.
    • Bleach: Emulates the Bleach Bypass process for a gritty, high-contrast look, perfect for intense and dramatic scenes.

Each LUT is designed to be easy to use, providing an excellent starting point for grading your LOG footage. To install, simply save the downloaded folder to your Motion Templates > Effects folder in Final Cut Pro. For additional assistance, refer to the provided tutorial on how to install LUTs into FCPX.

Product Features/Specs:

  • Includes: Arri Look 5 Pack, Film Look 6 Pack
  • LUT Types: Color Science Emulations, Creative Variations, Film Stock Emulations
  • Software Compatibility: Final Cut Pro, iPhone 15

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