Leeming LUT Pro III – Blackmagic Pocket 4K / 6K / 6K Pro – Gen4 Film

Give your Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 4K/6K/6K Pro (Gen4) footage the cinematic treatment with Leeming LUT Pro III.

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Leeming LUT Pro III – Transform Your Blackmagic Pocket 4K / 6K / 6K Pro (Gen4 Film) Footage


Bring genuine film-like quality to your Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera projects with Leeming LUT Pro III. This specialized LUT pack offers:


Authentic Film Emulation:  Infuse your footage with the rich tones and dynamic range characteristic of classic film stocks.


Rec709 Precision: Ensure accurate color reproduction for broadcast and web-ready projects.


Linear Luma Curve:  Provides a predictable starting point for creative color grading, putting middle grey at the 50% IRE level.


Maximize Dynamic Range:  Capture the full tonal range of your camera by shooting ETTR with confidence.


Athena III LUTs (Included): Explore a brighter alternative while maintaining Leeming LUT Pro's signature color accuracy.


What's in the Leeming LUT Pro III – Blackmagic (Gen4) Pack?



Athena III LUTs

Experience the cinematic difference with Leeming LUT Pro III for Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Cameras (Gen4)!

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