Mzed Directing Color by Ollie Kenchington

Elevate your filmmaking with color! Learn how to create color palettes, understand color theory, apply color grading, and use color as a powerful

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MZed Directing Color: Harness the Power of Color for Cinematic Storytelling


Color plays a crucial role in how viewers perceive and connect with your films. MZed's "Directing Color" course, led by filmmaker and colorist Ollie Kenchington, dives deep into using color as a powerful narrative tool.


Course Highlights:


Building Color Palettes: Develop intentional color schemes that support your film's mood and themes.

Understanding Color Theory: Master the psychology of color and its impact on viewers' emotions.

Color Calibration & Management: Ensure accurate color representation throughout the production process.

Deconstructing Color: Analyze color usage in iconic films and gain inspiration for your own projects.

Bonus Module: "Ox & Origin" A case study demonstrating practical applications of course concepts.

Who Should Enroll:




Video editors

Anyone interested in elevating their visual storytelling through color

By the end of this course, you'll be able to:


Intentionally design and implement effective color palettes

Apply color theory to evoke specific emotions and enhance storytelling

Utilize color grading techniques to achieve your desired look

Analyze and draw inspiration from masterfully colored films

Enroll in MZed's "Directing Color" and discover how to command color for unforgettable cinematic experiences!

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