Unity Editor Scripting: From Beginner to Expert

Transform your Unity development skills with our Unity Editor Scripting course. Learn to create custom editor tools, optimize your workflow

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Unity Editor Scripting: From Beginner to Expert

Are you ready to elevate your Unity development skills and customize your Unity editor experience? Our in-depth course, "Unity Editor Scripting: From Beginner to Expert," is crafted to guide you through the essentials of editor scripting and empower you with the knowledge to build custom tools that enhance your game projects.

Course Highlights:

  • Introduction to Editor Scripting
    Understand the significance of editor scripting and how it can transform your productivity within the Unity environment.

  • IMGUI and UI Toolkit
    Learn various strategies for creating effective editor scripts using IMGUI and the UI Toolkit. Discover how these tools can streamline your workflow and improve efficiency.

  • Hands-On Practice
    Engage in practical exercises using UI Builder, UXML, and C#. Develop custom editor tools and gain hands-on experience with essential scripting techniques.

  • Essential Classes and Functions
    Explore key classes, functions, and coding constructs vital for creating robust editor scripts and tools. Build a solid foundation in Unity Editor Scripting.

What You Will Build:

  • Custom Hierarchy Buttons
    Automate common tasks with custom hierarchy buttons to save time and increase efficiency.

  • Batch Rename Tool
    Easily rename multiple game objects simultaneously with a batch rename tool, streamlining your project management.

  • Missing References Detector
    Prevent null reference exceptions by developing a missing references detector to ensure your project remains error-free.

  • Autosave Logic
    Implement autosave functionality to continuously save changes, safeguarding your work and preventing data loss.

  • Art Asset Optimizer
    Create an art asset optimizer to compress images without sacrificing quality, optimizing your assets for better performance.

  • And More!
    Gain the skills to build additional custom tools and editors tailored to your unique needs.

Course Benefits:

  • Custom Editor Scripts
    Learn to craft your editor scripts, custom inspectors, and tools tailored to your workflow and project requirements.

  • Asset Creation for Unity Asset Store
    Apply your knowledge to create and sell assets on the Unity Asset Store, opening new avenues for monetization.

  • Accelerate Your Development Process
    Streamline your Unity workflow and unlock new possibilities for customization, making your development process faster and more efficient.

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